Pivotal Roles Performed By A Family Law Solicitor During Divorce

Law Blog

Divorce is customarily an emotionally and economically draining time. Nevertheless, a professional family law solicitor can streamline the process. This article explains a number of the pivotal functions that family law solicitors perform for their clients in a divorce process. Explain Reasons for Divorce In Australia, states have ratified certain grounds for divorce that allow couples the right to file a claim for the nullification of their marital union.  Fault-based grounds account for a majority of reasons behind divorces, and ideal examples include physical and emotional abuse, adultery or incarceration.

7 April 2015

Delayed Divorce Settlements: Everything You Need to Consider

Law Blog

In a much publicised divorce case in the United Kingdom, a woman may win over a million pounds from her ex husband, and this cash may be awarded in spite of the fact that the couple has been divorced since the 1990s and that the man earned the money after their split. Although the case isn't rooted in Australia, it brings up a lot of questions for Australian divorcees. Whether you are in the midst of  divorce or decades past your divorce, here's what you need to know about delayed divorce settlements:

19 March 2015

Advice on How to Leave a Business Partnership

Law Blog

While everyone enters into businesses with the intention of the business being a success, sometimes a business partnership comes to a natural end. Here is some advice on getting the cleanest split when it's time to part ways. Start at the start Ideally when you are setting up the business, you should obtain some legal advice on setting up the partnership. You can build into your partnership agreement sunset clauses (on how to end the partnership), as well as clauses detailing the process if one of the partners decides to leave the business.

4 March 2015

Are you accountable for your partner's credit card debt?

Law Blog

Although more often than not one partner in a marriage union is not legally responsible for the other's credit card debt, this premise relies on various aspects. Of these, the type of debt as well as when the debt was accrued, are two main considerations. Read on to find out the various legal parameters used to establish who is liable for debt between married partners. Common law principle Many states in Australia adopt common law principles to establish which spouse is accountable for debt that was accrued during their union.

24 February 2015

Understanding No-Win, No-Fee Claims

Law Blog

If you have sustained injuries from an accident and the accident was another person's fault, you should file an accident claim. Do not be afraid of pursuing the case because you cannot afford legal representation. No-win, no-fee claim policies are aimed at giving you a chance to get compensation even when you cannot afford to pay the initial fees to hire a lawyer. The following is a brief look at what no-win, no-fee claims are all about.

29 January 2015

Obtaining Legal Support While Being Questioned

Law Blog

It is wise to obtain legal support immediately if you are being questioned in relation to crime. Whether you are innocent or guilty of the crime, legal services can help ensure that you achieve the best outcome for you and your family. Legal services can help you access a translator If English is not your first language and you would be more comfortable speaking in your native language, legal services can help you access translation services.

26 January 2015

Drink Driving Facts and Plausible Defences

Law Blog

The facts and statistics around drink driving in Australia are startling. In 2013, the figure for annual fatalities was at 162 persons. Although this was a drop from the 2012 figure which was at 183, 162 fatalities is still because lives were lost. It is important for motorists to note that a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.05 doubles your chances of getting an accident. 0.08 increases the risk of an accident by 7 times.

21 January 2015