
What You Should Know about Proving Ownership to Your Solicitor

Law Blog

Having a case where theft or loss of property is concerned means the responsibility of proving ownership falls on you. You have to provide proof to your solicitor that you owned the property in question and the value of that property. There are several ways you can do this to satisfy not only the solicitors, but also the courts. Here are a few of those methods and what you should know about each one.

5 October 2015

Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Law Blog

Dealing with an injury is not only physically and emotionally draining, but it can be financially draining too. When facing steep medical bills for something that was not your fault, you will be understandably frustrated and looking for ways to properly assign the blame. However, dealing with insurance companies at this time can also be quite overwhelming, considering the stress that you are already under. Instead of bearing the brunt for these sudden expenses that have been thrown your way, it is best to enlist the services of personal injury lawyers.

15 September 2015

4 Ways A Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Assist in Getting Your Case Dismissed

Law Blog

When you are asked to appear in court, it does not necessarily imply that you are guilty or you are going to be convicted. But guilty or not, you may find a criminal defense lawyer to be of great help. The following are ways in which a lawyer can get your case dismissed. 1. Lack of Probable Cause At the Time of Arrest When a judge ascertains that you got arrested without a probable cause, your case can be dismissed.

21 August 2015

Understanding the Two Aspects of Conveyancing Fees

Law Blog

If you were looking to transfer the ownership of real estate property, then you would best enlist the services of a conveyancing lawyer. Getting conveyancing quotes can prove to be quite confusing especially to people who do not have a grasp of what they include. However, once you get to learn about them and what is involved they become less complicated. This will enable you to select a quote that is much better suited to the work at hand as well as your budget.

4 August 2015

Tips For Winning Road Accident Personal Injury Claims

Law Blog

If you've had a road accident in which you sustained an injury, you may be entitled to claim compensation.  But how do you make sure that your claim is successful? Here are some tips to ensure you receive the recompense you deserve. Establish who was at fault The first thing to establish, before you instruct a personal injury lawyer to pursue a personal injury compensation claim on your behalf, is that the accident was not your fault.

9 July 2015

3 Tips to Protect Your Family from Foreclosure During Probate

Law Blog

If you have a parent or sibling who passes away, you will need to wait until probate has passed until you can perform any transactions on the family house including selling, tenanting or re-mortgaging the house. Probate is a process of advertising the dissolution of an estate and appointing an heir, which occurs when the estate is worth more than $20,000. You need to apply for probate through the Supreme Court and this process can take several weeks.

22 June 2015

Defending yourself on fraud charges

Law Blog

If you have been charged with fraud and feel you are not guilty, there are several defences or mitigating defences that you can use. Here are some of the factors that can lead to diminished responsibility for the fraud. Are you the only one who had access? The prosecutor will have to prove that it was you that committed the crime. In the case of electronically based crime this can be a challenge, and part of the argument will rely on tracing the money and any unusual spending patterns that you have started at the same time as the fraud commenced.

26 May 2015

How Divorce Is Handled With Regards To Children

Law Blog

The end of a relationship or marriage is certainly a difficult time. It is a rough process for all parties involved, but in particular the children of the couple. If you are currently in the process of ending a relationship, it is imperative that you understand some of the primary legal issues regarding your children, so as to ensure the best case scenario for them. Dispute Resolution Is Preferable As any lawyer will tell you, the preferred course of action is always a civil resolution or settlement.

27 April 2015

Pivotal Roles Performed By A Family Law Solicitor During Divorce

Law Blog

Divorce is customarily an emotionally and economically draining time. Nevertheless, a professional family law solicitor can streamline the process. This article explains a number of the pivotal functions that family law solicitors perform for their clients in a divorce process. Explain Reasons for Divorce In Australia, states have ratified certain grounds for divorce that allow couples the right to file a claim for the nullification of their marital union.  Fault-based grounds account for a majority of reasons behind divorces, and ideal examples include physical and emotional abuse, adultery or incarceration.

7 April 2015

Delayed Divorce Settlements: Everything You Need to Consider

Law Blog

In a much publicised divorce case in the United Kingdom, a woman may win over a million pounds from her ex husband, and this cash may be awarded in spite of the fact that the couple has been divorced since the 1990s and that the man earned the money after their split. Although the case isn't rooted in Australia, it brings up a lot of questions for Australian divorcees. Whether you are in the midst of  divorce or decades past your divorce, here's what you need to know about delayed divorce settlements:

19 March 2015